Presbytery Finance

Soon-to-be outgoing Treasurer, Peter Coombes, shared with us some truths from the finance space.
The really big one is that he is very soon stepping down from the role of treasurer, and we need a new treasurer. We are asking people with skills in that field to think and pray about whether God might be calling them into that role.
Peter also told us that the balance sheet is looking healthier than normal, because money forwarded to us from the Combined Presbytery Mission Pool (CPMP) for a placement in CoCWQUCA has not been spent because a person was not found for that position.
The finance presentation concluded with a time of prayer for our next treasurer.

Articles in this newsletter
- Intergenerational Kids’ Church
- Let the little children come for the kingdom of heaven belongs to them
- Christingle Service
- Rev. Scott’s Christmas Message
- Blue Care 70th Anniversary
- Spotlight on Evangelism
- Thank You Scott
- “Rising Hope” by Nigel Rogers
- Conclusion of Placement for Donna
- Connect 100
- Shared Services – Kevin Griffiths
- Voluntary Assisted Dying
- Congregation Wrap
- Presbytery Finance
- Colouring Competition Nov 2022
- Iona West Community Carols
- Christmas in the West is always busy