Levon Kardashian (Rev)
Gladstone Uniting Church

Rev Levon Kardashian is currently Minister of the Word at Gladstone Uniting Church. Levon was born in Beirut, Lebanon, and is of Armenian origins. He studied engineering, marketing and management, and IT. Before becoming a candidate and getting his M.Div., he worked in graphic design and

Paula Hukehuke (Rev)
Fitzroy Uniting Church

Rev Paula Hukehuke is Minister of the Word at the Fitzroy Parish, which includes North Rockhampton Uniting Church and The Caves. I am passionate about preaching the Gospel; growing Children and Youth ministries and sharing in the joy and new ideas they bring; fresh expression of

Wayne McHugh (Rev)
Northside Mackay & Seaforth

Rev Wayne McHugh is Minister of the Word at Northside Mackay and Seaforth Uniting Church. Wayne is also a former software developer and has done several significant developments in the church IT area. Wayne is passionate about the gospel, loves Jesus, and loves to keep things simple.