Whitsunday Coast

St Martins Uniting Church, Canonvale (St Martins Uniting Church) St Martins Lane, Cannonvale Gathered worship: 7:30am every Sunday


Clermont Uniting Church Sharing God’s love through worship, witness and service. Cnr Capella and Box Streets Clermont 4721. Postal address: PO Box 99 Clermont 4721. Website: https://clermontcapellauc.org.au/ Worship: 8 am each Sunday (unless otherwise decided) Every fifth Sunday in Clermont is a Combined Churches Service shared between Catholic, Anglican and Uniting


Emerald Uniting Church Cnr Borilla and Yamala Streets, EmeraldPostal: PO Box 24, Emerald Qld 4720 Phone: Church: 07 4982 1405 Email: emeralduca@bigpond.com Website: https://www.emeraldunitingchurch.org.au Find us on Facebook Click here for live stream and recordings Gathered Sunday Worship: 10am followed by morning tea 1st Sunday of the month bring and share lunch  


Gladstone Uniting Church Gladstone Uniting Uniting Place, Telina (Corner Dixon Drive and Uniting Place) Postal: PO Box 517 Gladstone QLD 4680 Phone: 07 4979 3323 Email: gladuca@bigpond.com Website: https://gladstoneuniting.org.au Gathered worship: 9am every Sunday Office hours (admin): 9am - noon Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Iona West

Iona West Uniting Church 7 Brooks St, West Mackay QLD 4740 Phone (07) 4951 3869 Gathered worship times: Sundays 8:30am (traditional), 5pm (contemporary). Website: https://ionawest.org.au/ Email: office@ionawest.org.au Minister in placement: Pastor Siaosi Semaia

Longreach Uniting Church

Longreach Worshipping Community 105 Galah St, Longreach Part of Congregation of Central Western Queensland Uniting Church in Australia (CoCWQUCA) SERVICES: 9am Sunday Postal address: 105 Galah St, Longreach 4730 Ph. 46581164 Email: cofcwquca@gmail.com


Moura Uniting Church 1-3 Scenic St, Moura QLD Phone: (07) 4997 4114 Gathered worship: 9am Sunday mornings. Most Sunday mornings, the Moura congregation joins Northside Mackay Uniting Church live stream, and has active engagement before 9am with others joining online.

North Rockhampton

North Rockhampton Uniting Church Centre for Fitzroy Parish 321 Berserker Street, North Rockhampton (opposite North Rockhampton High School). Worship: 9am Sundays, followed by morning tea in the hall. On the fifth Sunday of the month we are joined by a band and choir. Our congregation is a blend of ages with


Sarina Uniting Church 7 Range Rd, Sarina QLD 4737 Sunday worship 8:30am. Minister: Pastor Jeff Grant

St Paul’s, Mackay

St Paul's Uniting Church, Mackay St Paul's Uniting Church is in the city centre of Mackay. 21 Macalister Street, Mackay Postal: PO Box 607, Mackay  Qld  4740 Worship time: 9.15 am Sundays. Email: admin@stpaulsucamky.org.au Minister: Rev. Dr Julia Pitman