Moala Commissioned as Blue Care Chaplain
On the 13th September Rockhampton’s new Blue Care Chaplain, Moala Hukehuke was commissioned. The commissioning was officiated by Rev. Dr Adam McIntosh at North Rockhampton Uniting Church.
Fiji Day
Fiji Day was celebrated on Saturday 8th October 2022 at the Biloela Civic Centre. It was a colourful and joyous celebration of Fijian culture and their love of God.
Rural Minister Reflection
This year our winter Presbytery and Retreat seemed to be awash in beautiful stories of faith as we shared in the telling and the hearing, of the life, worship and witness of our Congregations. Our times of decision-making also spoke into the ways we engage in mission together as a Presbytery.
Farewell Rev. Glenn
We farewelled Rev Glenn Louttit at our July meeting. Glenn has accepted a calling to North Queensland as a senior Police Chaplain.
July Presbytery
Our July Presbytery meeting had cold weather but the company was warm. We had a raft of special guests each with important input.
Vale Queen Elizabeth II
As we are all well aware, Queen Elizabeth II recently passed away after a very long reign. Her Christian faith was no secret.
"Spring clean at the office. Thanks to UnitingCare Qld, we now a lovely space to meet. Everyone welcome. Coffee pot is brewing!"
Rev Scott relaxing in the newly furnished meeting space in our Presbytery office (for a photo shoot).
Fitzroy Focus
Reverend Paula Hukehuke’s recent arrival has resulted in a renewed focus on fellowship. We are taught that two are better than one…
Membership at Northside
On Sunday morning 9 October, 15 people transferred their membership to Northside and 2 were confirmed. Many stayed and shared a BBQ lunch together.
Blackwater Open Day
Blackwater Uniting Church is holding an Open Day 10am to 4pm, 29th October and invite all members of the extended Blackwater community.
Advent Resource
The Synod Discipleship working group is producing an intergenerational Advent resource which will be available from mid-November.
Safe Ministry Matters
Great news! Our presbytery has received very positive feedback from Synod office for our 2021 Audit.
Ministers’ Convocation
Ministers from throughout the Queensland Synod visited Redcliffe on the 7th and 8th September to discuss the issue of Voluntary Assisted Dying and implications from a pastoral viewpoint. More information will be shared on this important topic at the next meeting of presbytery in November.
Colouring Competition
We are excited to announce our new colouring competition for kids around our Presbytery. We haven’t worked out all the details yet, but it is happening! Every newsletter will have a new page to colour. Come on kids, jump in and give it a go!