Easter Around Central Qld UCA
The death and resurrection of Jesus lie at the heart of our faith. This newsletter is dedicated to sharing the stories of how those events were remembered around our churches this Easter.
Emu Park Good Friday
Every year, the Emu Park congregations of the Uniting, Anglican and Roman Catholic churches participate in the Good Friday Walk of Reflection.
Easter in the Pioneer Valley
St Andrew’s UCA (Walkerston), The Valley UCA (Mirani) celebrated Easter on Palm Sunday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday.
Lent to Easter in the Whitsundays
In Proserpine during the weeks of Lent, we gathered in the garden where the St James Church used to be. The garden has become a focus of conversation with the surrounding community as each week they have seen something different taking shape in the garden.
Easter in Emerald UC
Emerald UC held a special Maundy Thursday meal at the church, followed by sharing in communion.
Easter Sunday at Banana
The moment you realise extra communion glasses are going to be needed … such was the experience at Banana Uniting Church on Easter Sunday as 52 people gathered …
Easter at Clermont/Capella
Good Friday in Clermont is a Combined Churches service with a Pilgrimage between the Anglican, Uniting and Catholic churches. Easter Sunday was an ecumenical experience …
Easter in Tannum Sands
Tannum Sands Uniting held a Good Friday morning service and Easter Sunday celebration.
Easter in CoCWQUCA
Longreach and Barcaldine hosted Easter gatherings – reflections during Holy Week, Good Friday and Easter Sunday.
Easter in Sarina
Sarina UC observed Easter with a 7am Good Friday worship gathering, and 8.30am Easter Sunday celebration. Both had visitors and regular attendees.
Easter at South Rocky
From a toy rabbit playing Jesus on Palm Sunday to a Holy Thursday “service of shadows”, to a sombre Good Friday and a joyful Easter Sunday …
Easter at Iona West
Iona West experienced a wonderful Easter weekend, meeting Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday (morning and evening).
Easter in Fitzroy Parish
The Easter season which provides the foundation for our Christianity was a time of fellowship and collective endeavour for the Fitzroy Parish. This most holy period in the Christian calendar offered us a sombre time to reflect upon our faith and renew our relationship with our Lord.
Easter at Mt Morgan
“Reflective” is the best way to describe the Good Friday Service at Mt Morgan, as members of the congregation led us in worship through readings and prayer. and singing the African-American Spiritual song “Were you there.”
Northside Mackay & Seaforth
Easter is special, wherever you might be. To approach the cross once across and look at that unequaled sacrifice, and stare in wonder again at that empty tomb, and hear of the forever risen Jesus.
A Personal Easter Highlight (by Rev Wayne McHugh)
I had a bit of an eye-opening moment this Easter, though it didn’t land until we met Peter facing up to his denial of Jesus. You would be aware that Jesus told Peter that he would deny knowing him, and then while Jesus was under arrest and being questioned, three times Peter denied knowing Jesus. This gets picked up in John’s Gospel …