Fitzroy Focus
Reverend Paula Hukehuke’s recent arrival, joining the Fitzroy Parish church family in 2022, has resulted in a renewed focus on fellowship. In God’s eyes, fellowship is a form of love…as strong as the bond between a parent and child. Fellowship is a constant, a comfort, a source of strength in a world that can be complicated and frightening. We are taught that two are better than one…for if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow.
Many congregation members have extended their fellowship within the wider community through support for Rockhampton School Chaplaincy. Currently, Ros McKendry is the secretary and Lesley Scott is a committee member who assists with the street stalls. Our congregation plays an active role in the life of the community through volunteering for Rockhampton School Chaplaincy activities, supporting fundraising ventures and organising and attending Chaplaincy events. Many congregation members bake for the street stalls and for treats for North Rockhampton State High School staff, in appreciation for their efforts.
Another of the activities which is strongly supported by the Fitzroy Parish is volunteering at the CQ Mudsportz Twin Track Mud Racing at Kabra, 8.1km south of Gracemere. A small band of Fitzroy Parish members are committed to supporting this event, working on the canteen, bar and in security. The event is a hub of activity and the comradery and fellowship is always very warm and positive. The volunteers provide ‘many hands’ and a Christian presence at the well-attended local event. In turn, CQ Mudsportz provides a donation to Rockhampton Chaplaincy to support chaplains working in our primary and high schools. Our congregation is living out our mission, “to nurture a diverse and welcoming community” through fellowship and active participation in community events with people from all walks of life.
Articles in this newsletter
- Blue Care Chaplain Commissioning
- Fitzroy Focus
- Presbytery farewells Rev. Glenn Louttit
- July Presbytery
- Vale Queen Elizabeth II
- Presbytery Reflections from our Rural Mission Minister
- Safe Ministry Matters
- Ministers’ Convocation
- Membership at Northside
- Blackwater Open Day
- Intergenerational Advent Resource
- Fiji Day
- Colouring Competition