Congregation Wrap
Blackwater – Open day on the 29th October with groups that use their facility was a great success. Continuing to work towards upgrading their facility.
Capricorn Coast – Exploring their options for moving ahead into the future. More baptisms than funerals, for a change.
CoCWQUCA – Looking forward with great anticipation for a new minister coming out in 2023. Hope rising that the season to come will be fruitful.
Clermont-Capella – Visit from Northside Mackay – Seaforth people was a positive and uplifting experience.
Emerald – Different people leading and/or preaching for Sunday worship. Not having a minister is causing people to step up and do more than they normally would. Rev Peter Armstrong visited for a weekend, which was wonderful. The Garden Party has been held again after years but after rain it became a High Tea in the church hall. Great community connection which will now become an annual event.
Biloela – New Fijian faith community has joined the Uniting Church in Biloela. Rev Scott and Pastor Donna were invited as honoured guests at the Fiji Day celebrations on the 8th September in the Biloela Civic Centre. Scott was unexpectedly elevated to the role of “Chief Guest”, a story he seems quite happy to share. It is a real privilege to have these people join our church.
Fitzroy – Have created a task group to build up ministry with young people. Two SongFests which were held in August and October were very successful.
Gladstone – In the process of seeking a new minister, and in the meantime, they are led by their lay leaders. They have an “Explorers” playgroup, with a slow increase of the playgroup mums coming into the church. Gladstone hosted a fully catered afternoon high tea for playgroup mums, to which 45 attended.
Iona West – The congregation has trialed a change of worship time on Sunday evening to 6:30pm to encourage young families to come and join.
Christmas Carols “Under the Stars” was held on the 4th December, joined by children from West Mackay Primary School and also Northside Mackay Seaforth members.
Northside Mackay/Seaforth – Looking forward to joining Iona West’s Community carols! The long walk through the book of Acts has been helpful and informative. Since completing the series, 15 new members have been welcomed by transfer, 2 adults by confirmation and 2 more by baptism.
Parish of Rockhampton South – NAYBA is an organisation which facilitates churches to engage with the community. Fortunately, positive ripples have occurred with the renewal of ecumenical activity and Rockhampton Churches Together. Eagerly awaiting fruits of hard work towards a Connect100 initiative.
Mission planning, surveys, gatherings, thinking outside the box has led to a pilot event on 17th December. Come and enjoy Carols on the Lawn at South Rockhampton Uniting Church from 6pm. Carols in a Bush Setting at Wycarbah on Sunday 18th December from 6pm
Proserpine/Whitsunday – New church building is being planned. It will rise!
Community Heart Project is continuing to raise awareness of our project, organising a Youth and Homelessness evening in the background for our hosts, Whitsunday Neighbourhood Centre. We continue our mission journey of Community, Christ and Caring.
Sarina – pressing ahead with outreach ministry in partnership with other churches and growing into the image of Christ through intentional fellowship, the study of God’s word and specific prayer.
St. Paul’s, Armitage and Calen – continuing on with special activities to continue 150th celebrations. Regular radio church services have recommenced from new offices in Hamlet Street. Rev. Nigel Rogers led a ‘Church Council Essentials’ course. Some exciting developments at Calen and also the 92nd anniversary of worship there was celebrated on the 7th August.
A memorial service for Mary Elliott was held at St. Paul’s on Wednesday 23rd November at 1pm.
St. Paul’s continues to welcome new members through baptism and encourages their people to discern what God is calling them to do.
Rev. Prof. James Haire celebrates 50 years of faithful ministry on 10th December. He was ordained into the Evangelical Church of Halmahera Indonesia on the 10th December 1972 and also ordained as a minister of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland on the 1st January 1974.
Rev. Andrew Gillies celebrates 25 years of faithful service on 18th December. Ordained in the Geebung Uniting Church in 1997, Andrew has served in various congregations throughout Queensland.
Well done, good and faithful servants!

Articles in this newsletter
- Intergenerational Kids’ Church
- Let the little children come for the kingdom of heaven belongs to them
- Christingle Service
- Rev. Scott’s Christmas Message
- Blue Care 70th Anniversary
- Spotlight on Evangelism
- Thank You Scott
- “Rising Hope” by Nigel Rogers
- Conclusion of Placement for Donna
- Connect 100
- Shared Services – Kevin Griffiths
- Voluntary Assisted Dying
- Congregation Wrap
- Presbytery Finance
- Colouring Competition Nov 2022
- Iona West Community Carols
- Christmas in the West is always busy