Fiji Day

Fiji Day was celebrated on Saturday 8th October 2022 at the Biloela Civic Centre. Our Presbytery Minister, Rev. Scott Ballment was appointed Chief Guest for the evening and addressed the gathered crowd of over 100. Pastor Donna Muston led a reflection, and we thank Rodney Muston

Intergenerational Advent Resource

Stock Image by Unsplash Credit to KaLisa Veer As previously published in Uniting News and Journey, the Synod Discipleship working group is producing an intergenerational Advent resource which will be available from mid-November. The theme that the resource will be exploring is the “The Journey to Joy”. Each

Blackwater Open Day

Blackwater Uniting Church is holding an Open Day on 29th October from 10am to 4pm to invite all members of the Blackwater community to engage with and enjoy the various activities that have been organised. Fun for all the family!! Patchwork and craft demonstrations Card and

Ministers’ Convocation

Ministers from throughout the Queensland Synod visited Redcliffe on the 7th and 8th September to discuss the issue of Voluntary Assisted Dying and implications from a pastoral viewpoint. More information will be shared on this important topic at the next meeting of presbytery in

Safe Ministry Matters

Great news! Our presbytery has received very positive feedback from Synod office for our 2021 Audit. In order to keep our spaces safe, a group will be formed to keep up-to-date with all SMC issues. If you haven't already, please send the name of your Safe Ministry

July Presbytery

As usual, we shared the space at the PCYC at Lammermoor. The weather was cold, but the company was warm. We commenced our worship on Friday night with a reflection from Donna Muston; “Come Holy Spirit” to open doors and dispel fears and bring us

Fitzroy Focus

Reverend Paula Hukehuke’s recent arrival, joining the Fitzroy Parish church family in 2022, has resulted in a renewed focus on fellowship.  In God’s eyes, fellowship is a form of love…as strong as the bond between a parent and child.  Fellowship is a constant, a comfort, a source