Easter Sunday at Banana

The moment you realise extra communion glasses are going to be needed is a very joyous moment in the life of a congregation. Such was the experience at Banana Uniting Church on Easter Sunday as 37 adults and 15 children gathered for worship. On this day,

Easter at South Rockhampton

From a toy rabbit playing Jesus in a Palm Sunday procession to a Holy Thursday “service of shadows”, to a sombre Good Friday and a joyful Easter Sunday the people of South Rockhampton Uniting reflected on and celebrated the relationship restoring work of Jesus. At

Easter at Clermont/Capella

Photo is of the Rugged Cross carried in the Good Friday Pilgrimage set up outside St Mary’s Catholic Church, Clermont. My keeping of Lent is usually a bit hit and miss, but this year I joined a Zoom session with Pastor Donna Muston and two Beths

Easter in the Pioneer Valley

St Andrew’s UCA (Walkerston) was decorated with palm fronds for Palm Sunday Worship and Palm Frond Crosses handed out to our congregation members as they arrived at Worship.  The Valley UCA (Mirani) congregation members entered their Worship Service waving Palm Branches. Although our congregations in The

Easter at Fitzroy UC

The Easter season which provides the foundation for our Christianity was a time of fellowship and collective endeavour for the Fitzroy Parish.  This most holy period in the Christian calendar offered us a sombre time to reflect upon our faith and renew our relationship with

Easter in Sarina

Sarina UC observed Easter with a 7am Good Friday worship gathering, and 8.30am Easter Sunday celebration. Both had visitors and regular attendees. Easter doesn't happen in isolation from the real world. “Business as usual” can often be a highlight when you see others doing

Easter in Emerald UC

The Sunday before Palm Sunday everyone at Emerald UC was given a piece of green fabric as they entered church. The theme for our children's talk was hands. We talked about what we could do with our hands - kind things or unkind things. Then

And so it’s Easter …

We have been traveling through the season of Lent, exploring God’s call on our lives and our response to this call. Then we reach Holy Week. The week that begins with a welcome march ends in crucifixion.  Sooner or later all our parades grind to